Values - Objectives


While achieving our vision, the fundamental values ​​that all employees of our Consultancy will take to fulfill their duties are as follows:

Commitment to the law,





Solution Oriented,



PURPOSE 1-To all our service areas; to provide more effective and high quality service with the understanding of transparency and reliability by taking advantage of technological developments, based on the principle of the rule of law.

Objective 1.2- To keep the "The System of Legal Information Management Software" integrated with the "The System of Electronic Document Management Software" in continuous use by developing and updating the entire workload and workflow of our Consultancy in such a way that it is ensured that it is monitored and controlled.

Objective 1.3- To minimize the need for physical files and documents within the scope of the e-archive that constitutes the database section of our digital transformation project; the documents which are lawsuits, execution and investigation files, regulations that we take as basis in the production of services (decisions of Council of Higher Education and our University's regulations, directives, contracts, opinions) by transferring the documents to the computer environment and e-documents created using the searchable, portable and shareable features of the documents for using them  fast and reliably again.

Objective 1.4- To confirm the use of e-signatures to our Consultancy in order to carry out electronic litigation, follow-up and control, expenses and defenses etc. within the National Judiciary Informatics System.

Objective 1.5- Updating the  reference manuals and information programs ,which belong to our Consultancy, for the follow up and update informations due to regulatory and implementation changes.

Objective 1.6- Establishment of the Execution Proceeding Officer Service in the Consultancy in order to maintain the enforcement proceedings effectively and efficiently.

PURPOSE 2- In order to maintain the service quality of our consultancy at the highest level; to establish an environment where the competence of the personnel is foregrounded and motivation and satisfaction of personel will be increased by using contemporary management techniques.

Objective 2.1- To establish the existing personnel structure from people who can use  information technologies in all areas of the service in order to achieve the specified goals by providing integration in electronic environment.

Objective 2.2- To organize in-unit training and information programs in order to keep quality and efficiency in service at the highest level by adapting to developing and changing conditions in a short time.

Objective 2.3- To organize questionnaire, measurements, conferment, meetings and social events to satisfy the expectations about working environment and finding solutions existed problems.


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